Policy Objectives
- identify, study, analyze and project problems and needs
- the active contribution to the planning, the charting and the formulation the social policy of the Republic
- the development of volunteerism, as idea and practice, in line with the present international conditions
- the study, utilization, support and projection of the contribution of voluntary organizations in the field of volunteerism and social welfare
- the coordination of the activities and the planning of its members, as well as coordination among the members and between members and the competent services of the state
- the facilitation and strengthening of the operation and activities of its members on a purely advisory basis
- the charting of policy and strategy for the achievement of the short-term and long-term objectives in the field of volunteerism and social welfare
- the provision of technical and advisory guidance to its member organisations for the promotion of community programs, if and when required
- the provision of education and training or the contribution to the education and retraining of its member organisations
- the establishment, maintenance, education, administration and utilization of Volunteer Centers
- generally, the promotion of contribution in the field of volunteerism and social welfare in the Republic
Competencies and Powers
- keep and manage the Register of Voluntary Organisations, established by virtue of article 10 of the present Law
- decide on the registration of an organisation in the Registry of Voluntary Organisations, or its deregistration under the provisions of the present Law
- (chart the short-term, middle-term and long-term plan of action in the field of volunteerism and social welfare, in cooperation with the competent services of the Republic, or with any state, semi-state or non government agency
- to establish, oversee, coordinate and control, administratively and financially, the District Volunteerism Coordinative Councils the Community Volunteerism Councils, and the Community
Volunteerism Committees operating by virtue of the provisions of the present Law; - to coordinate the activity of its member-organisations in such a way as to ensure the smooth and productive implementation of the policy charted under the provision of paragraph (c )
- to provide technical and advisory assistance to its member organisations for the implementation of their programs in the field of volunteerism and social welfare
- submit reports, views, suggestions, memorandums and action plans to the competent services of the Republic, in connection with the charting, formulation, running and implementation of the policy of the Republic in the field of volunteerism and social welfare
- advise the Social Welfare Services or any other competent service of the Republic in connection with the allocation of assistance or grants to its member organisations
- encourage, promote, organize, participate in the organisation and subsidize or finance the active participation of its members in international conferences, seminars, or meetings on the subject of volunteerism or social welfare
- organize, or participate in the organization of local conferences, seminars, meetings and other events, aiming at the attainment or propagation of its objectives and
- publish or finance the publication of any kind of printed or audiovisual material, which promotes or serves volunteerism or social welfare and the specific goals set by the PVCC from time to time.